This is where you write your expertise, your credible experience on why people should work with you.
Insert category of experience #1. For example...this could be about your understanding of operations management specific to healthcare. I remember you talking about finding a billion things that were operational red flags during your time on the reservations, right? Talk about that! |
This is where you write your expertise, your credible experience on why people should work with you.
Insert category of experience #2. For example...this could be about your breadth of working with different types of systems--from indigenous groups to giant systems like Wellstar to traditional organizations steeped. |
This is where you write your expertise, your credible experience on why people should work with you.
Insert category of experience #3. For example...this could be about digital transformation. Actually, that's your strongest one. I think this should actually be example 1. I don't have a photo of you with an Electronic Medical Record so I just picked this one, but if you have a more appropriate photo for that topic, holler! |
ROI in healthcareFor hospitals, healthcare delivery orgs. |
ROI in healthcare
For startups and private equity firms. |
American healthcare
For relationship-building between the government and its people. |